This is a list of books recommended by our board and other intercultural specialists to learn more about working and socializing with people from different cultures.

The Future Classroom of Intercultural Creativity

Creative thinking is now the #1 skill needed in the workforce, making it high priority for the K-12 educational system. Our students are entering a new landscape that is no longer formulaic but is grounded in uncertainly, ambiguity and complexity. Now is the time to integrate creative thinking strategies into the curriculum that support our students' whole brain thinking, their ability to connect across cultures and and build creative success.

Utilizing the 7 Gems of Intercultural Creativity® methodology in the classroom, increases divergent thinking, reframing, un-obvious associations, combinatory thinking, metaphorical processing, transformation ideation, and imagination development, to develop intercultural competence, self awareness, cultural-awareness and creative thinking.

This book challenges educators, parents and administers to continue to develop their creativity and cultural competence and integrate these strategies into the classroom curriculum so their students can thrive.
Shared Sisterhood by Tina Opie and Beth Livingston book cover . Subtitle: How to take collective action for racial and gender equity at work.

Shared Sisterhood

Gender equity can't happen without racial equity. We need Shared Sisterhood.

Bias persists in organizations and society. Despite efforts that have been made in the last few decades, gender and racioethnic equity still hasn’t been achieved. What's worse, Black, Indigenous, Asian, and Latina women are being held back more than their White counterparts.

Shared Sisterhood

We need to change how we strive for equity. We must move beyond individual solutions toward collective action, where people from historically power-dominant and marginalized groups work together, so that all women experience the benefits of professional growth and equity. We need Shared Sisterhood, and anyone, regardless of gender, can join in.

Professor Tina Opie first started Shared Sisterhood as a movement to drive gender and racial equity in organizations. Since then, she and professor Beth A. Livingston have worked together to spread the word to leaders across organizations, with thousands of followers joining the cause. In this book, they explain how to use vulnerability, trust, empathy, and risk-taking to build Shared Sisterhood and break down three key parts of the process:

1. Dig into your own assumptions around racioethnicity, gender, and power
2. Bridge the divide between women of all backgrounds through authentic relationships
3. Advance all women across the organization and beyond

Balancing a mix of history, research, and real-life examples—including the authors' own experiences—this book encourages everyone to join Shared Sisterhood and advance equity for all.
Book Cover of Tomorrowmind by Gabriella Rosen Kellerman and Martin Seligman. Subtitle: Thriving at Work with Resilience, Creativity, and Connection―Now and in an Uncertain Future


Thrive in your career with this radical, future-proofed approach to work in a world where automation, globalization, and downsizing are an urgent and threatening reality—from experts in workplace mental health, Gabriella Kellerman, CPO of BetterUp, and world-renowned psychologist Martin Seligman.

In recent years, workplace toxicity, industry volatility, and technology-driven turnover have threatened the psychological well-being of employees. When we can’t flourish at work, both personal success and corporate productivity suffer. As we sit on the cusp of some of the most turbulent economic changes in history, many of us wonder how we can not only survive but flourish in our careers.

Now, Tomorrowmind provides essential plans and actionable advice for facing the uncertain future of work. With in-depth and clear-eyed evidence, it offers key skills on everything from resilience and innovation to social connection and foresight. Cultivate a workplace that fosters connection and meaning for yourself or your employees with this timely and crucial guide that is destined to inspire generations of workers.
Book cover of The 7 Gems of Intercultural Creativity by Genein Letford. Subtitle: Connect, create and innovate across cultural lines

The 7 Gems of Intercultural Creativity

Creative thinking is now the #1 skill needed in the workforce BUT
creativity cannot thrive unless there is a culture of psychological safety and belonging.
The framework of Intercultural Creativity® creates this environment while developing
creative thinking skills at the same time! This new way of thinking, leading and being will
be the ace up our sleeve for this future of work.

Learn the 7 Gems of Intercultural Creativity®

-Creative Growth Mindset
-Perspective Shifting
-Authentic Adaption
-Being a Bridge Connector

Genein does an amazing job showing how cultural competence is greatly tied to creative output. Using hilarious stories and brilliant analogies, she highlights the correlation between our ability to connect with people of different lived backgrounds and our creative potential.

Intercultural Creativity® is a groundbreaking professional development concept and program that integrates cultural competence, which is needed for inclusion, and creative thinking development, which is needed for value creation, while at the same time supporting the mental and emotional wellness and creative potential of every leader and team member.

This is the direction of human and professional development.

Enjoy the journey of the 7 Gems!
Visit to purchase a signed copy or get the book bundles!
Book cover for My Brain, My Brain, My Beautiful Brain by Shawn Letford and Genein Letford.

My Brain, My Brain, My Beautiful Brain

Your brain is unique. Your brain is creative. Your brain is beautiful! Explore along Shawn ‘The Creative Kid’ and his family as they discover the parts of your brain and the wondrous things it can do. Since this is the decade of the brain, it’s time for kids and grownups alike to learn, celebrate and implement the unlimited possibilities of the brain, mind and body connection.

Through playful rhymes and dynamic illustrations, Shawn and his parents help you discover the inner workings of your beautiful brain so you can be your creative best!

"My Brain, My Beautiful Brain" is a pure delight that sneakily teaches young readers and adults functional neuroanatomy and the value of neurodiversity.”

-Dr. Michael Platt, Neuroscientist, Wharton Neuroscience Initiative

"My Brain My Brain My Beautiful Brain is insightful, heartfelt and inspires the reader to embrace their beautiful mind! The pearls of wisdom light up the pages and take the reader on an inner journey of exploring the strengths of their unique brain. A must read for children, families and educators seeking to explore the multicultural creativity of their mind."

-Dr. Nicole A. Tetreault, PhD Neuroscientist and Author of Insight into a Bright Mind
Book cover of I Am Creative by Shawn Letford and Genein Letford, M.Ed

I Am Creative

“I am creative in every single way!“

Creativity is now the #1 skill needed in the workforce, per the World Economic Forum, so supporting our kids/ creativity (and redeveloping our own) is top of mind.

Children come to us with unbounded creativity. They are ready to explore, imagine and invent. As parents, teachers and caregivers, we need to be aware how creativity unfolds. Join Shawn ‘The Creative Kid‘ as he goes throughout his day bringing the 16 Diamond Tools of Creative Thinkers to life.

Through playful lyrics and colorful illustrations, Shawn “The Creative Kid“ inspires young readers to showcase their creativity for all to see. At the end of the book, Genein discusses how Shawn is developing his creative thinking and what parents, teachers and caregivers can do to support it and not hurt it.
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